Saturday, October 25, 2014


Ok, so I didn't go to school today becsuse... I just didn't want to.

    Why do parents trip so much over school?  Yeah education is cool or whatever but is it really needed? Im not saying they should close school, but I don't think we should be forced to go. Especially if we're not learning anything. 

    School is some people's best friend. They love it their. While some people would prefer to take their life than go. When people are willing to take their life becaus they don't want to attend school then something is seriously wrong. If kids get a 2 week break, they should be excited about going back not dreading it.

       Parents don't realize school is way different than when they were in school. Or they just don't care. Always stressing us out bout a damn A like that shit matters.  It doesn't.  Especially if someone doesn't have the desire to go. Grades reflect nothing but effort. Einstein was expelled an made bad grades all the time.  Not because he was dumb obviously but because he just didn't do the  work.

     Grades don't define you. Parents are always trying to force college on us. Even if they see we're  struggling with grade school. School isn't for everyone.  Forcing it on them won't  make things better. 

    Waking up at 6 a.m. 5 days a week everyday is very stressful for a teenager  (im 14). And for the most part we don't get rewarded for it. Working for nothing. Don't give me the it's for you excuse  because you and I both know we will never use any of that information. 

      People have dreams. Dreams that can't be accomplished with school in the way and thats all it the way. Its tiring, depressing, and utterly pointless.

Friday, October 10, 2014

About The Blog

I didn't formally introduce myself. I am 14 years old in the 9th grade.  I hate school because it's bogus and I'm never going to use that. Alot of people feel that way. This blog is to educate you on things you actually need to know.  Important things. It will contain post about topics that aren't explained as much as they need to be. Food for thought post, which will be a question probably that really makes you think til you just say forget it.

This blog is run solely by me off my Galaxy S4.


So, Im always being asked if I'm a feminist.  Im not. They are trash. Yes, I am well aware of what it means. They are still trash though.

  I didn't pre-write this so I'm just going with the flow.

     If your looking for a horrible feminist,  search Tumblr . Tumblr is a high school full of drama. A bunch of young thots who want to strip in a place of learning. They complain about dress code all day long. "My shorts should be shorter" "my shirt should be cut lower" basic thot complaints. They are fooled by the propaganda fed to them by feminists. It's sad.

     My main thing is feminist complain about all the things men can do that women can't but never mention what women can do that men can't. I'll tell you this, its way more.


You dont hear me though 🐸🐸☕☕.

I know, I know woman on man violence gets used to much. How many women pay alimony though? Not many.

Feminist are so confused it's confusing... yup. Some say men are the worst while some are married with families. Ok, whose right if those are two completely different views? Both of you identify as the same thing though. You all are the first ones to say "you just don't understand feminism" . No honey,  you don't understand. 

Men can walk around with their shirt off. BIG WHOOP! Thats about it. There definitely isn't a wage gap. Perfect example, Nicki an 2Chainz are both rappers. Nicki is obviously better and more experienced so therefore her job is more demanding and stressful. Thats why SHE is paid more. Not because of some wage-gap. You all are ridiculous. I support abortion to an EXTENT. If a woman has the possibility of dieing or was raped, then yes,  she should be able to rid the baby, but other than that no. If a man gets drunk and impregnates a woman, he must take care of that child an pay child support or go to jail. Not to mention the slander from society. "He's a deadbeat." If a woman has a drunk night out she can just be like "oh giiiiiirl I was just having fun at the club an accidentally got pregnant.  Im gonna just go up here an kill this baby (abortion)." With loads of support from radical feminist.

Feminist are pushing there views on us with unnecessary commercials. The "Like a Girl" on youtube is bull. Its offensive to be called anything your not. So yes, telling a boy he walks like a girl is offensive to boys who don't.  (Walking like a girl would be swaying sexily or switching). Girls tell other girls they do things like boys all the time to offend them. Telling a girl she looks, walks, talks LIKE A MAN is offensive to a girl who doesn't or is insecure about that. Im not a MRA but you don't see them saying since when is "Like a boy" an insult.

Also, there is no such thing as "rape culture". Either your raped or your not. To say that you being whistled at is the same thing as being held against your will and forced to give yourself to someone is disrespectful to people who were actually forced into a sexual act. Disgustingly disrespectful. If you say yes an no one is forcing you to, YOU WERE NOT RAPED!! Saying a man should be responsible and not have sex with a drunk woman even if she say yes because she can't control her self or make right decisions is crazy. He supposed to use his superpower to know she'll regret it? Thats like saying if a drunk driver hits a child on a bike its the child's fault because they should have been responsible and stayed home.  It's the child's fault because the driver was drunk and couldn't make the right decision. Sounds stupid? Well so do you.

Its like this, men an woman are meant to complete each other not compete for the supreme position. (This next line is in no way against gays and I fully support equal rights no matter what sexuality.) If god wanted us even with the same EVERYTHING why not create Adam and Adam or Eve and Eve ? Why is it so hard admitting men and women have roles? I've never seen a woman impregnate her lover while I've never seen a man carrying a child in his womb. Why? Men and women are physically an mentally different. If you have a problem with it... address it in your prayers.

Feminist are supposed to support women so they say. But they don't.  If you don't agree with them (even though they don't agree with each other) they will go the extra mile to slander you and make you feel bad. Like, you HAVE TO agree with them or they hate you and your horrible.  You know who else is EXACTLY like that?  Isis. An extreme radical terrorist group.

Thats what they are. An extreme radical terrorist group.

So don't ask if I'm a feminist because the answer gone be #FUCKDEMHOES
   (Btw im a girl)